Anti-Trojan/Worm Software: Software designed for detection and removal of Trojans/Worms to be used in addtion to your anti-virus software. Anti-Trojan BOclean The Cleaner Tauscan Anti-Virus Software: AVAST32 AVG AVP Command Anti-Virus Dr. Solomon's F-PROT Anti-virus F-Secure Anti-virus Inoculate IT Personal Edition McAfee VirusScan Norton Anti-Virus 2001 NVC Panda Anti-virus Pc-cillin 2001 Protector Plus Sophos Vet Anti-virus VirusNet Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Software: AtGuard BlackIce Defender ConSeal PC Firewall DoorStop Personal Firewall (for Macs) Esafe Security Software Guanlet NT (for NT 4.0) GNAT Box Light Firewall (freeware) Jammer Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (for Windows2000 server) McAfee Personal Firewall Netbarrier (for Macs) NetWatcher 2000 Norton Firewalls Pc Viper Personal Firewall Sphinx Firewall Sygate/Sybergen Security Software TDS-3 Trojan Defence Suite WinRoute Security Software ZoneAlarm (freeware and pay versions) Networking Utility Software: CommView (Packet Sniffer) Purge-It SmartWhois (IP and DNS Lookup) |